1. Health Benefits of Pine Pollen:
Boost the immune system.
Protect the cardiovascular system. (reduce cholesterol)
Beautify the skin - improve skin elasticity (anti-aging), clear acne, dissolve and remove age spots on skin and in the body.
Regulate prostate function of men.
Anti-tumor - inhibiting tumors but not killing normal cells, while clinically applied chemical medicines killing both.
Relieve fatigue, increase stamina and restore natural energy levels.
Relieve constipation and prevent colon cancer - regulate and change the metabolism of the colon and enhance its tension and activity.
Rejuvenate the brain, hair, bones.
Regulate the endocrine system
Act as an aphrodisiac activating a healthy sex drive and high libido
Effective dietary treatment.(regulate body weight)
2. Why Choose Us:
We only provide most potent, pure, and powerful pine pollen. Raw materials of MD pine pollen are wild harvested and crafted from high elevation pine forests in Gaoligong Mountain.
The pollen is processed through a low temperature and high speed airflow sporoderm-breaking technology, leaving 99% of the pine pollen with the cell walls broken, ensuring better absorption of the effective active ingredients of pine pollen.
MD pine pollen tablets are free of fillers and sucrose. We adopt Germany's low-temperature instant dry and direct tableting technology, ensuring tablets in high purity.
Completely filter out dust and immature particles from raw materials by using advanced dust removal technology and wind tunnel principle.
3. Tablet VS Powder:
Tablets are convenient to take while powder needs taking with milk or sugar. Also pine pollen powder tastes bitter, some customers may not like it.
Once bags opened, powder is easy to damp. Maiduo tablets store in bottles, preventing dampness.
Each single dose of powder is hard to control while every Maiduo tablet is around 0.5 mg- customers can easily choose dosage according to specific physical conditions.
1. Detail:
Items: 100% Pure pine pollen
Content: 250mg x 60 Pills 15G
Dosage: 3 times per day , every time 4-6 tablets oral dosing
Shelf Life: 2 years
Storage: store in a dry and cool place.
2. The Nutritional Composition of Pine Pollen (in 100g):
1) Important Vitamin and Microelement
Content (ug/100g)
3. Disclaimer:
he above description is for information and knowledge purpose, not a healthcare professional advice. Please consult your doctor before you take this vitamin. People with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs, should consult with a licensed physician prior to starting any supplementation program. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Usually this product is not recommended for people allergic to pollen.
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