* We would build Your Own Personalized Blog Page To Promote and Boost Your Business !
* Logically your ID will bi included on the BLOG Page!
* Your Blog will be created on Blogger, and will consist the following parts:
*Text , your pic, , social sharing buttons,
sign up buttons pointing to your gateways.
* Video about our busines.
* Pricebenders banner linked to your "pricebenders" gateway,
....so, you can easily get your 100 Action VP !
*Music contest, ECA program, some articles.
* How to use it?
Instead the blocked gateway you want to use to advertise on FB you will use the link that leads to this
page. And the page contains your unique gateway.
*When you purchase this product I will contact you and ask for your ID , and color...
...it will be background color of your BLOG !
* We will build you Your own Personal Customized BLOG within 1-2 business days!