MoneyBooks Complete, Unlimited Period License
The MoneyBooks family of products is a suite of Windows applications designed for modular accounting and personnel information management. This edition includes all seven modules and two bonus modules, Time Manager and Fixed Assets.
1. General Ledger features:
* Three-level account code structure: Detail and active accounts report to a subgroup account, and subgroup accounts report to main accounts.
* Unlimited periods: Account balances and transaction history are maintained for an unlimited period of time. Entry of transactions is restricted by period.
* Reports can be generated at any time: Trial balance, income statement, detailed statement of account, summarized account movements, etc.
* Auto-completion of transactions during data entry, using an imprest account. The integrity of transactions are maintained by ensuring debits and credits are equal.
* Account balance lookup: See the balance of an account for a specified period at any time, at the press of a key.
2. Payroll features:
* Payslip reports formatted for A5 stationery, with two persons per A4 sheet. Other reports include payroll spreadsheet, nominal roll, cash analysis, pay point analysis, etc.
* Rounded pay processing for cash-paid employees.
* Unlimited number of staff records. Each staff is assigned a flexible user-defined 10-character ID.
* Unlimited number of pay items--payments, deductions and loans, with automatic tracking of loan balances.
* Unlimited number of pay locations, departments and pay points.
* Interfacing to GL: During posting of payroll, a GL journal is automatically generated if the GL module is available.
* Automatic PAYE tax calculation, with an editable tax table.
* Optional support for graded payroll, where just the employee’s grade level and step is required for computing nominal pay.
3. Employees features:
* Employee information management includes basic data such as name, photograph, position, section, department, category, location, etc, as well as detailed data on addresses, leaves, skills, training, medical, resume, appraisals, etc. Other images that may be stored include signature and finger prints.
* Classified resume/CV editor and generator offers a detailed view for easy searching of all resume text.
* Employee document editor stores and retrieves image documents like signatures and photos as well as text documents like email and letters.
* Employee attendance feature includes an attendance and movement information as well as an absentee register that is automatically generated.
* Leave status monitoring: Who has gone or forfeited leave, days carried over.
* Medical transaction monitoring: Maintains details and summary, so you know who has exhausted their limits.
* Notes on staff performance and other issues
4. Inventory Control features:
* Tracks all stock movements: receipts, issues, adjustments and returns.
* Identification and analysis data on the transaction form includes request number, cost center, order number, supplier and project.
* Unlimited number of warehouses.
* Unlimited number of stock items.
* Automatic document reference numbering for each type of transaction.
* Weighted-average costing.
* Optional link with GL for automatic generation of transaction journals.
* Supplier product tracking with price history.
* Generates transaction audit and historical listings, stock history statement or ledger, re-order, stock-taking form, stock master list, and other analysis reports.
5. Sales features:
* Transaction documents maintained and generated include: Quotations, waybills, invoices, receipts, credit and debit notes.
* Unlimited number of customer records, each assigned a flexible user-defined 10-character code.
* Unlimited number of sales products, categories, customer groups, etc.
* Unlimited number of user-defined price types, with price type specification for individual customers.
* Interfacing to GL and Inventory: During posting of transactions, corresponding GL journal or inventory transaction could automatically be generated and posted as well.
* Generates quotes, invoices, receipts, debtors' list, price list, sales ledger and other analysis reports.
* Invoice generation in multiple colors.
* Sales can be analyzed by various options, including: Customer, customer group or zone, product, product category, sales department, project, invoice, month, year, quarter.
* Graph formats for summarized sales analysis figures.
6. AP (Accounts Payable) features:
* Complete order tracking from customer requests to supplier order placement and delivery, both local and foreign.
* Know the status of any order at any time.
* Unlimited number of stock items.
* Complete shipment clearing records for foreign orders
* Bills payable register with payment requests and approvals processing
* Interfacing to GL and Inventory: During posting of transactions, corresponding GL journal or inventory transaction could automatically be generated and posted as well.
* Generates purchase orders, order registers and detail listing, payment requests, bills aging report, etc.
7. Data Manager features:
* Contacts data management: Individual and organizational contacts including basic data, phone numbers, anniversaries, addresses, emails, notes.
* Applicant information management includes basic data such as name, desired position, current employment, present & expected salary, action taken on application, as well as detailed data on addresses, education, experience, publications, notes, etc.
* Phone calls, expenses and messages
* Library titles and movements
* Staff commissions calculation and payment, with postings to GL
* Stock exchange transactions and personal share holding portfolios and transactions
* Passwords manager
* Documents manager
* Gift items processing
* SMS and generator logs
* User-defined tables
* Report generation: Phone expenses, library labels, share movement graph and share performance, envelopes, applicant invitation letters and test result notification.
8. Fixed Assets features:
* Unlimited number of asset categories and items.
* Automatic asset numbering.
* Straight-line depreciation method.
* Optional link with GL for automatic generation of depreciation journals.
* Historical asset tracking.
9. Time Manager features:
* Project and prospect lists, with recording of all activities with timing information
* Visit reports entry
* Expenses table for projects and prospects
* Posting of expenses to GL module
* Prospect to project conversion on winning a new job
* Time-based invoicing for the Sales module
* To-do list scheduling and processing
In addition to the modular functions, the MoneyBooks MIS broadly features the following characteristics.
SAP Sybase SQL/Adaptive Server Anywhere is the server RDBMS, with MoneyBooks communicating data requirement and modification instructions from workstations to and from the server.
System security:
There are two levels of users, operators that can only carry out assigned functions in assigned modules, and supervisors that can in addition execute more sensitive functions. Furthermore, each user can have an ID, a personal password, and a list of permitted activities. Any workstation that does not have MoneyBooks on it may not be able to access the database on the server. Printing, data entry, processing and reporting can be restricted to respective users.
Users may exchange messages via the database (when running on a network). When a user logs in, their new message pops up on the screen.
Data entry:
Entering data in MoneyBooks is through browse lists and data entry forms. Browse lists are used to manage records with few data fields, while forms are used for records with many fields. Browse lists are re-sizable grids, with movable and re-sizable columns.
MoneyBooks uses tables to record and process data. It uses parameter tables as well as look-up tables to hold data that control how it works. Users can maintain the look-up tables. As much as possible, embedding of data values in program code has been avoided.
Transaction processing:
Online or batch posting mode is usually available for processing newly entered transactions, to update master and historical records. In online mode each new transaction is processed on entry, while in batch mode new transactions are stored until a separate command is used to process them all.