We will Guarantee to send you 300 PSAs, these will be your very own Personally Sponsored Affiliates. Building your very own Team rapidly increases your earning potential, whilst we recruit your new PSAs, you can concentrate on welcoming your new recruits. Your new PSAs will come through official SFI gateway pages, seen globally by people looking for business opportunities.
Due to the nature of the live sign up SFI procedure, we cannot validate every email address that is typed in by new PSAs, however the numbers of errors are quite small in proportion to the numbers of sign ups.
Once you order has been processed by TripleClicks and Ourselves, it will then go live within 12 to 48 hours. All our SFI approved PSA packages have a tracking code of 1110 which is exclusive to us, as each of Your new PSAs sign up, you will receive a notification email from SFI containing the 1110 tracking code. Order today whilst prices remain low! You should allow approximately 10 to 20 days for all your new recruits to arrive.
Whilst we guarantee the number of new PSAs/sign ups that you will receive, we cannot guarantee how active any PSA/sign up will become, nobody can guarantee that. It is beneficial to welcome your new PSAs when they arrive, this can make a considerable difference as to how active they become. So we are not able to offer any refunds for new PSAs that do not become active. This product is available to purchase as a single order or standing order, other quantities are also available. We wish you every success with your new Team members.