Increase your monthly income, boost your website traffic and achieve more exposure using the internet's 800 pound gorilla! Find out how you can apply the big g factor to your internet business bottom-line... starting this second! Starting an Internet-based business can prove to be one of the wisest decisions you could ever make where making a fortune is concerned. For starters, the Internet offers an abundance of choices, opportunities and leverage - so HUGE it's beyond the limit of any imagination! This is in addition to the fact that an Internet Business startup is usually dirt cheap and maintaining an Internet Business often costs you no more than a dinner for two every month, allowing you to possibly operate a string of totally different Internet Businesses... ... all from the comfort of your home! In more ways than one, you could really say that it is... "Luxury That Sole Proprietors & Conventional Business People Dream Of!" Or is it for real? Now would it surprise you that the Number One problem many beginning Internet Marketers are facing in their startup stages is... T-R-A-F-F-I-C? In as much as I hate to say it, the truth is that there is no such thing as "set it up and they will come"! Yet many an aspiring Internet Entrepreneur believe in that popular myth. So the result? They wonder why there are no visitors even dropping by their websites. And hey, the big headaches are far from over (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). Even if you manage to solve the traffic puzzle, how else are you going to rake in a handsome fortune from the generously proportioned traffic? Remember: the biggest expense in life is the money you do NOT make. And if you fail to convert your web traffic into profits, you are losing THAT much. Now what if I told you that you can solve all of these problems simply by piggy-backing your Internet Business(es) on the Internet's largest force of traffic and fortune... namely Google?
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