144 Pages, Paperback.
Create Beautiful Fountains, Ponds, and Streams
Better Homes and Gardens Water Gardens shows you how to refresh and cool your garden by adding a water feature. Whether you desire a serene pond, a playful fountain, a gentle stream, or even a tabletop container with miniature plants, this book will guide you through the step-by-step process. Choosing plants is easy! Just follow the recommended plant lists and select the best flowers and foliage to grow in your water garden. Also, look for tips on stocking fish, attracting wildlife to your garden, and maintaining your water feature year-round.
At-a-glance information for every garden and project:
Hardiness Zone- Know which plants will be able to thrive in your area
Time Required- This handy reference allows you to set aside enough time to get your water feature installed.
Skill Level Required- Judge how much you know about gardening and select a project that is in your skill range. From easy to difficult, there's a project in here for everyone.
Supplies and Tools List- Don't get halfway through your project and find out you need one critical piece to finish your project. Just check here first.
Easy plant identification:
Listed by Common Names: No need to have a dictionary at hand to look up the Latin names for your favorite plant.
Recommended Plants Chapter: includes everything you need to know about each plant, including plant size, hardiness, flower color, growing tips, and bloom time.
Water Gardens features inspiring ideas and doable garden projects that bring personal satisfaction and pleasure to the eye. The simple directions- accompanied by instructions full-color photographs- give you the confidence to create these gardens.
With Better Homes and Gardens expert advice, your enthusiasm and water gardening skills will flourish. So dig in and let the sights and sounds of water soothe your soul.