9 Special Reports For Your Success.
In-Depth Special Reports on diverse
and extremely important topics.
By Jack M. Zufelt
"Mentor To Millions"
They include:
1. "It’s OK to do dumb Thigs.†How to accept yourself in spite of the foolish mistakes you make and the dumb things you do"
2. "STOP IT!†How To Stop The Vicious And Tiring Cycle Of Failure"
3. "Business VS Busynessâ€. How to stop spinning your wheels & get the results you want.
4. "How To Create Self-Esteem in Children.â€
5. “Dying to Succeed†Why there are workaholics and how negative it is and how to get what you want without doing that to your body and soul.
6. “Knowing is ½ the Battleâ€. 28 Characteristics Identified in Adult Children of Alcoholics and how they create patterns that adversely affect all areas of their lives. How to overcome those patterns and behaviors.
7. “Love or Love Not. There is No Try.†How to create closeness, openness and great sex with your spouse or love relationship.
8. “Dating and Sex.†Statistics on the things that cause teenagers to engage in sex and how to keep that from happening.
9. “Top FBI agent Spills Guts.†Discloses a “secret weapon†used by the FBI to get people to do things that is not in their best interest. Like confess. Great tool for leadership and sales.
Get these nine, easy to read, Special Reports to help you make your life run smoother and to help you create the life you want.