This nutritional beverage blends 10 ingredients in just 1 sachet: Coffee Beans (Coffee Arabica), Non-Dairy Creamer, Natural Sugar, Fulvic Substance (from Humic Substance), Zeolite, Minerals, Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Extract, Grapeseed (Vitis Vinefera) extract, Spirulina, and Mangosteen.
Coffee beans (Coffea arabica) contain caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, tannins and xanthenes. Coffee improves physical stamina and athletic performance, relieves fatigue, insomnia and the effects of jet lag. It also helps severely obese people to lose weight by increasing the metabolic rate. The special ingredient combination and special process has created an energy field that coffee lovers immediately feel after savoring the coffee blend. There�s more energy than coffee beans alone can give you!
Aside from the minerals and Fulvic acid/Humic substances that are included in this beverage, there are two important extracts that account for the higher anti-oxidant property of Quantumin E-Rich 10-in-1 Coffee:
A. MALUNGGAY EXTRACT (Moringa oleifera)
Malunggay (horse-radish tree) contains high level of Beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, and phytochemical niaziminin. These substances are considered potent anti-oxidants. Malunggay also contains minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Recent botanical and toxicological researches show that malunggay has potent anti-oxidant properties.
B. GRAPE SEED EXTRACT (Vitis vinifera)
Grape Seed Extract is a benefit-rich, natural plant constituent (bioflavonoids) which strengthens and protects living tissues. The active plant consituents in Grape Seed Extract are proanthocyani dins (OPC). It is a super antioxidant that is 20-50 times more powerful that Vitamin C, E and Beta-Carotene. Grape Seed Extract has anti-allergenic, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties; it also strengthens blood vessels, improves skin conditions and aids in circulation.