Best way to promote you and your business to other is website. We provide you with best possibile web design solution, plus SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation ) pack and AUTORESPONDER pack.
This product includes:
-domain name,
-wordpress site,
-presentation of your business,
-blog spot, where you can post news or make discutions with your team members and other people.
-Autoresponder ( Newsletter system )
-SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
There is also part of site where you can login as moderator and where you have full control of posts and comments. As moderator you can disapprove, approve or delete every comment or post you like or dont like.
If you buy this product I will need these informations from you:
-your full name,
-your choosen username,
-your choosen password ( if not, I will provide you random password and you can change it later ),
Design can be changed if you wish, but you will get random design of the site. If you don't like it can be changed.
Special note: This product ( hosting, domain name, website) will be yours for 1 year term. After that period, if you don't contact me and we agree otherwise it will be simply deleted.