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Scientist and inventor – Mihailo Pupin
Mihailo (Mihailo Idvorsky) Pupin was born in Idvor, Banat, October 9, 1854. Received his academic education at Columbia College, New York, and his scientific education at the universities of Cambridge, England,and Berlin, Germany. Obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Berlin, and returned to Columbia University in 1889, to take a position as instructor in theoretical electrical engineering.
Has been professor at Columbia University since 1892, lecturing on mathematical physics. His earliest interest, when still as a student in Berlin, was in physical chemistry, and his doctor’ s dissertation “Osmotic Pressure and its Relation to Free Energy” related to this subject.
His position as instructor in the electrical theory gradually directed his interest to the study of electromagnetic phenomena. The subject of electrical resonance engaged his attention between 1892 and 1895, and resulted in the electrical tuning which is now universally applied in all radio work.
The patents for electrical tuning he sold to the Marconi Co. At the same time the Marconi Co. acquired his invention of the rectification of high frequency electrical waves. This invention is considered the basis of rectification now universally applied in radio.
During the World War Pupin and his scientific committee were doing research work for the purpose of developing a system of submarine detection and a system of telephonic communication between aeroplanes. This work earned him a recognition from the late President Harding, which was expressed in Mr. Harding’s letter appering on page 386, of Pupin’s autobiography, “From Immigrant to Inventor”.
This autobiography enumerates at some length Pupin’s work, described by the writer briefly in the foregoing sketch; its correctness has never been questioned.