Le’JOYva - 5
LeJova 5 Coffee
LeJova 5 Coffee is almost the same as LeJova Coffee except that it
contains 5 GREAT SUPERFOODS ( The same 4 that is in LeJova + Noni )
Ganoderma Mushroom
Goji Berry
Yarcha Gumba
And Noni
Crocker's General Store now has both of these coffees’ available for purchase
So if you like the LeJova you have been buying - GREAT it’s still available
And this new LeJova coffee is for those who would like the added benefits
of Noni with the same GREAT taste.
What is Noni?
Noni, also known as Morinda citrifolia, is a small, flowering shrub native to the Pacific islands, Polynesia, Asia, and Australia. It grows to a height of up to 10 feet high, and the leaves are dark green and oval shaped. The flower heads grow to become mature yellow fruit that have a strong odor.
Noni is widely available as the juice or liquid concentrate. It can also be found in tablet and capsule form.
Noni is heavily promoted for a very wide variety of conditions, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, bladder infections, boils, bowel conditions, burns, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, circulatory weakness, colds, cold sores, constipation, diabetes, drug addiction,
And also may help in healing eye inflammation, fever, fractures, gastric ulcers, gingivitis, headaches, heart disease, hypertension, improved digestion, immune weakness, indigestion, kidney disease, malaria, menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, mouth sores, respiratory disorders, ringworm, sinusitis, skin inflammation, sprains, strokes, thrush, and wounds.
There is no real evidence; however, that noni is effective for these conditions.
product count 30 packs - enough for a month of great coffee
NOTE: - one pack makes a 16 oz great cup of coffee