his Digital Therapy Machine is a Health care therapeutic device adopting Traditional Chinese Medicine of Acupuncture Technology and the best effect of body reaction by Using Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A Great Choice for Individual daily health care based on its 8 Outstanding Optional Functions: 1. Acupuncture, 2. Stroke, 3.Massage, 4.Cupping, 5. Manipulation, 6. Scrapping, 7. Weight Reducing, 8. Immune Therapy. You can enjoy the Magical Experience of using the electric current to stimulate the nerves on your body. It Must be Amazing!!! Applicable for indication stiff shoulder, neural paralysis, neuralgia, shank ache, whole body fatigue, stomachache, Hypertension, Cervical, Hypnogenesis, vertebra neck ache, per arthritis, toothache, and various acute chronic etc. Lightweight Design easy to carry, suitable for office, hospital, home, and travel use, ideal complement for life, Buy It Now! To Start and promote a healthy lifestyle!!! Attention: This Therapy Machine is Not suitable for the people who are having the following symptoms: Malignant tumor; VD infection; Fever above 38; Heart disease patients; Women in menstrual phase or pregnant; Or if you have any other particular symptoms, please consult your doctor before using. Specifications: 100% new and high quality Material: Plastic Large size LCD Screen Size: 153 x70 x28mm Machine Net Weight: 80g Voltage:4.5V Power by: USB power cable or 3 x AAA batteries (not included) We suggest don't use batteries and USB power cable at the same time. Note: Colours may vary slightly due to flash photography,please understand. Size may be 1-3cm inaccuracy due to hand measure, please make sure you don't mind before you order. Package included: 1 x Digital Therapy Machine 1 x Plastic tray 2 x Electrode Pads 1 x 2-Way Electrode Pad wire / connector
15.6 USD InStock
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