Professional Advertising Services Standing Order
To make sure you understand what is this
read carefully following description.
With purchase this incredible product
you will solve most of your time
consuming obligations in online business.
We will work with you closely in creating:
Websites - We will build you a website
so you can promote your business everywhere
without being blocked or marked as spam.
Blogs - We will create a blog for you for
personal or business use
Splash Pages- We will design a splash page
so you can generate more leads and sign ups.
Banner- We will create a custom banner for
you with your own text and ads
Video ads- We will create video ad for your
business with text and images inside.
Peel away ads - We will create peel away ads
for easy Traffic Exchange advertising.
Also if you have some other service that you require
we will see what we can do to help you.
I understand that not all of us are great around
computers so to make your business go smooth we
will do all the hard work for you so you can
stand out of the crowd with custom designed ads.
After placing your order we will contact you on email
and see what is the first thing you want us to create
and we will work together to create great ad for you.
As this is a standing order you can choose different
option for every month until you are along with us.
We will create all of this items for you in free
web design options and after you receive your product
its yours forever to use and then you can purchase
extra options on every of those creations if you want to.