Vacation certificates are a great way to increase website traffic, boost sales and give your customers some real added value to all your promotional efforts.
Currently offering 3 Days & 2 Nights at a Major Hotel Casino in LAS VEGAS!
Las Vegas is the Entertainment Capital of the World!
Or 3 days & 2 nights at 20 other resort cities.
All businesses need to generate traffic, boost sales, get more appointments and increase referral business. To do this, business owners must offer valuable incentives to their prospective customer to take a particular action. Travel is the #1 incentive that moves people into ACTION!
You will have the right to print or email, unlimited certificates, to give to your customers for 1 year!
The customer's only cost is a processing fee of $12 to receive their hotel reservation form. They are responsible for the room taxes of less than $15 per night when they book their hotel. (That comes to $3 per person per night for a major hotel casino on the strip plus the taxes. Some hotels require a $50 refundable deposit.
We guarantee to honor 100% of our vacation certificates under our simple terms and conditions.
Order today, and have unlimited access to travel certificates to boost your leads/sales!