Book of Mormon
The paper back addition of the Book of Mormon. This book is available in 108 languages. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. Please put your language in a TC message if English isn't your first language. It will take a little longer to ship in any language other than English and Spanish
I assumed that every one looking at the Book of Mormon for sale would assume that I was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - the official name of the church. Yet I didn't think to write about why I am a member of this church and what it has meant to me. Therefore, I'm writing it now.
So often we hear that everyone is searching for happiness regardless of where they live or what they believe. In the LDS or Mormon church, we seek for joy. Joy in our lives is more important than being happy, and if we were on a continuum of one to 10 in evaluating happiness, it would be a 10, while merely happy, even the happiest you could be would be a nine. This is because the gospel brings joy, and you can even be unhappy about something and still feel joy in living. No matter what your circumstances, if you seek joy through the gospel, you will be living a very satisfying life sometimes in terrible circumstance.
Many people who are seeking happiness look for it in partying, drinking and other activities outside of themselves. If you are seeking real joy, you don't have to look to artificial means to find it. It is found in living the gospel. Trying to be like Jesus Christ and evaluating everything according to what he would do. It is an indescribable feeling that comes over you and fills your whole being with pleasure and love and kindness.
I have not lived an easy life, but I have lived a joyful life. We were married in the temple, and I have gained joy from my family, my friends, and also from doing SFI. I am so thrilled when someone comes into my group and I have the opportunity to watch them progress and grow not only monetarily, but in satisfaction with their business.
I do have a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true, and that we do have a prophet at the head of our church who will never lead us astray but be a great example of living what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believe. I believe that no matter what church or religion you embrace, if you are living your life in the best way possible using the teachings of your religion, you too will feel joy in yourself and your life. My religion has many helps from the songs we learn to the teachings of the Bible, and The Book of Mormon plus listening to our prophet. These help and sustain us to not only endure, but find joy in the trials and sufferings we encounter in this mortal life. I wish the same feeling of joy to all I associate with.