Savor the refreshing and tasty natural Vitamin C in Del-C products! Choose from the ready-to-drink calamansi juice and concentrate, with no preservatives! Enjoy the goodness of life in the best tasting calamansi juice ever!
It has been said, drinking Calamansi Juice increases the body’s resistance to disease, prevents eye disorder and aids the healing of wounds. It also prevents tooth decay, bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth due to its vitamin C content which helps in maintaining the health of the teeth.
A lot of people enjoy drinking Calamansi Juice while some believes, that is only a refreshing drink. Definitely, it is a refreshing drink. But there were health benefits a Calamansi Juice were offering that we are not aware of.
Here are some benefits of Calamansi juice:
▶Skin Bleaching Agent
▶Serves as body cleanser
▶Use as body deodorant
▶Lightens dark area of the body like armpits and elbows
▶Lightens freckles
▶Good as Mouthwash
▶Cure coughs and expel the phlegm
▶Helpful in dealing with a Hangover
▶Prevent and Cure Osteoarthritis
▶Maintains Kidney Health
▶Great tonic for the Liver
▶Prevent Diabetes
▶Lighten Urine Color
▶Lowers blood cholesterol
Nonetheless, drinking Calamansi Juice is definitely a natural and effective, to keep your kidney healthy. At no specific time, ten or more calamansi fruit in a glass of water are needed to consume. Aside from that, it also eliminates urine odor and lighten urine color.
Calamansi Juice has anti-bacterial property which is effective and natural mouthwash as it eliminates morning breath.
In addition, Calamansi Juice is much cheaper than any other health and beauty products over the counter, but it contains similar benefits, yet natural.
Health is wealth! Therefore, I’d highly suggest Calamansi Juice to add on your daily consumption to maintain a good health and beauty without harmful side effects.