We all share videos with friends and associates. Millions of videos are shared everyday. You find a cute video and you upload it to your Face Book and Twitter page and then you email it to several people. They, in turn, post it on Face Book and Twitter and then send it to several people who send it to several people and before you know it hundreds and sometimes thousands of people are enjoying the video because of you. Wouldn't it be nice to get paid when you share a video.
Gemini Radio Group, the people who developed Radio SFI, have developed a new viral video advertising program that will allow you to share any You Tube video and advertise your SFi gateways at the same time. You can even advertise individual TripleClicks products by utilizing the optional banner display feature. Set up is very simple. You can be sharing videos and advertising within minutes.
This system will allow you to create 3 separate video pages. You can up date the pages at anytime--change the videos, change the background, change the optional banner, etc.
Check out these three examples:
The cost for the system is regularly $9.95 per month but for a limited time the cost is only $7.95 per month.
Or save even more with a 12 month subscription for $69.95. See Product RAD03 - Viral Video System 12 Month Subscription. http://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=179268