Why would you need this? Here are several reasons:
1.You will get most of your products categorized under tabs (pictures included).
For example:apparel, e-books,electronics...ect.
Something like TCs categories only that all products will be from your shop ONLY
2.You can give the blog's link to SFI Affiliates to advertise your shop
3.None of the blog's links will be marked as spam as the blog has it's own domain
4.It will include your logo and description at the top of the blog
5.You will get several banners installed as well for SFI&TC -if you are SFI affiliate as well.If you are not affiliate then you will get custom banners with your products
*You have also tech support:contact me if you need any updates/changes to your blog
(this is valid 1 year after purchase)
If you are serious ECA shop your should own a blog or website on your own by now.
So that being said check out some of my work and choose wisely .Road to success includes many tools for promotion and blogs are THE BEST WAY to do that!!
NOTE:All features are replaceable and you can change them anytime you want.Upon purchase you will get an e-mail with the information I need to make your blog.If you don't respond to it I will make the blog randomly but not same as the other blogs I have done before.